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Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report

Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report - N.V.Vo National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report

Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report


National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Objectives: To evaluate the outcome of zygomatic implant in rehabilitation for patients with atrophic edentulous maxilla, especially in the posterior region.

Methods: 3 patients (2 female and 1 male with a mean age 52 years) with severely atrophic edentulous maxilla were first Vietnamese patients received zygomatic implant. All patients were investigated the bone volume and sinus pathology by computed tomography and used the Nobel Clinician software (Nobel Bio-care, Switzerland) for treatment plans. Using an extended sinus lift with retained bone window introduced by James Chow, 1 or 2 zygomatic implants were placed in the posterior region by the intrasinus approach in combination with 2-4 conventional implants in the anterior region. Fixed provisional prostheses were delivered immediately. Six months after the implant placement, final fixed restorations were done. Mean follow up period was 12 months, ranging from 6 to 18 months.

Findings: All implant showed good osseointegration. The survival rate of both zygomatic implants and standard implants are 100%. No infections or inflammations of soft tissue around implants were recorded. No complications were presented. Final restorations improved the function and the esthetic for patients.

Conclusions: Zygomatic implant is a predictable procedure in rehabilitation of severely atrophic edentulous maxilla. Key words: zygomatic implant, atrophic maxilla.

Read more: Transposition du nerf alvéolaire inférieur en vue d’une rehabilitation implantaire - Résultats à 4 ans


Chow, J., Wat, P., & Hui, E. (2010). A new method to eliminate the risk of maxillary sinusitis with zygomatic implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants, 25(6), 1233-1240.

Link: Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report

Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report
Zygomatic Implant – clinical case-series report

Trung tâm Implant Việt Nam

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